Ah, the good old days! I remember them well. You’d have a certain amount of money deducted from your check every pay period for health, dental and vision insurance. Then, if you got sick, you’d use that insurance. And, oh how wonderful it was, the costs would be minimal to you. Remember that? When health care coverage actually meant that you were covered. Crazy idea, isn’t it? But gone those days seem to be. Employer sponsored healthcare plans have been whittled and whittled away, while medical costs go up and up. Yet, in another odd twist of Fate, , I see no additional funds in my paycheck to keep me healthy and financial responsible by actually being able to pay my medical bills.
What the hell happened? How did we get to the point where Healthcare costs went through the roof? I understand that insurance companies are for-profit businesses. I understand that doctors spend a lot of time learning their skills and deserve compensation for keeping us a live and healthy. I understand that Hospitals need money to stay in operation. I even understand that for the one drug that does work there are a ton more that the drug companies can’t get to safely work, thus they need to recoup financial losses. The same goes for the makers of medical machines. Though, charging a fortune for already developed tech seems a bit lame to me.
I am just wondering where the hell everything went so terribly wrong. Am I advocating socialized Healthcare? Ask me that when standing a bit closer, then you can count the bruises I leave on you later. But the cost of healthcare has SKYROCKETED. I’ve not been able to try and rehabilitate my paralyzed, but recovering, arm because my coverage is being whittled down to nearly nil. I would say that the greed of Insurance Company, Drug Company, Medical Equipment and Medical Supply company execs are partially to blame. Also, the idiots in this world that don’t quite understand that we are mortal, fragile creatures, and that medicine can’t fix everything, are adding to the problem. They drive malpractice rates to a level so high you need to train with NASA to… well, you get the idea. There is no such thing as free money, and suing for the slightest perceived wrong just might be part of the problem. And I’m sure there are a ton of other factors as well.
I wish I knew the answer. I wish that it was easy to fix. I wish it could be started now. I’m not saying that we need to take care of every little ailment, and prevent nature from taking its toll on our bodies through life. I’m just asking to be able to afford helping stay healthy for the time I’m supposed to be.
Otherwise, I’m grabbing a Cricket Bat and exercising my good arm. Maybe then they’ll get the hint, as they lie in a full body cast, that medical expenses are Too Damned High!
-Jesse W.
Ah, the good old days! I remember them well. You’d have a certain amount of money deducted from your check every pay period for health, dental and vision insurance. Then, if you got sick, you’d use that insurance. And, oh how wonderful it was, the costs would be minimal to you. Remember that? When health care coverage actually meant that you were covered. Crazy idea, isn’t it? But gone those days seem to be. Employer sponsored healthcare plans have been whittled and whittled away, while medical costs go up and up. Yet, in another odd twist of Fate, , I see no additional funds in my paycheck to keep me healthy and financial responsible by actually being able to pay my medical bills.
What the hell happened? How did we get to the point where Healthcare costs went through the roof? I understand that insurance companies are for-profit businesses. I understand that doctors spend a lot of time learning their skills and deserve compensation for keeping us a live and healthy. I understand that Hospitals need money to stay in operation. I even understand that for the one drug that does work there are a ton more that the drug companies can’t get to safely work, thus they need to recoup financial losses. The same goes for the makers of medical machines. Though, charging a fortune for already developed tech seems a bit lame to me.
I am just wondering where the hell everything went so terribly wrong. Am I advocating socialized Healthcare? Ask me that when standing a bit closer, then you can count the bruises I leave on you later. But the cost of healthcare has SKYROCKETED. I’ve not been able to try and rehabilitate my paralyzed, but recovering, arm because my coverage is being whittled down to nearly nil. I would say that the greed of Insurance Company, Drug Company, Medical Equipment and Medical Supply company execs are partially to blame. Also, the idiots in this world that don’t quite understand that we are mortal, fragile creatures, and that medicine can’t fix everything, are adding to the problem. They drive malpractice rates to a level so high you need to train with NASA to… well, you get the idea. There is no such thing as free money, and suing for the slightest perceived wrong just might be part of the problem. And I’m sure there are a ton of other factors as well.
I wish I knew the answer. I wish that it was easy to fix. I wish it could be started now. I’m not saying that we need to take care of every little ailment, and prevent nature from taking its toll on our bodies through life. I’m just asking to be able to afford helping stay healthy for the time I’m supposed to be.
Otherwise, I’m grabbing a Cricket Bat and exercising my good arm. Maybe then they’ll get the hint, as they lie in a full body cast, that medical expenses are Too Damned High!
-Jesse W.