Absurd Spices

Fun and frustration from a gimp with an axe to grind. After all, absurdity is the spice of life. There will also be Punch and Pie

Sunday, August 13, 2006

MFL Is A Huge Fucking Asshat

So I haven't posted in a while. That much is readily apparent for anyone that looks at the time/date stamps. But, I've has something building and it felt like time to vent my spleen, as it were.

.There is a jackass roaming my favorite netspots that can't shut his jizz-hole. He posts under the guise of Monkey Faced Liberal. This is the attempt of an attention seeking , adolescent-minded wanker to capitalize on a Frank J tongue-in-cheek comment and post. Whereby Frank J said that Liberals should be punched in their dumb monkey faces, this waste of space and storage took it and ran in that gimpy, retard way.

This is a complete bum boy who has no discernible talent at … well… anything, who has taken it as his crusade to try and prove to everyone but his imaginary friends, that Frank J has no talent, is violent, yada yada, ad nauseum, ad infinitum. Though, of course neither is true. Frank J has plenty of talent and keeps his faithful satisfied with goofy, absurd and fun political satire. Well, Frank J and his faithful cadre of posters.

This unabashed ass pirate enjoys trying to pick apart everything that’s posted, and he’s begun to infest one of my other favorites, fmragtops. This bloated sack of shit thinks he is anything but Helen Thomas’ used douche bag. He is, of course, mistaken. His comments are ever so witty… to a kindergarten class. Well, a kindergarten class and the other inhabitants of his Gompers Home.

So what do we do with this libtard? I wish we could think him away, or Frank J could send him into the cornfield. And, unfortunately, the .357 I shot at my PC only prompted me to have to buy a new monitor.

Thus, I am making it my goal to lob unceasing ad hominem attacks at the queen of ad hominem attacks. Monkey Faced Liberal. At FM, I can be freer with my language, which I like. For Frank J’s site, I’ll have to be more creative. So, anyone that actually reads this… and agrees with me, make it your mission too. Give him the full magazine and the two spares you have next to your concealed carry piece.

He may just be a troll, but as with all monsters, to attack and destroy is the best option. In fact, it might be quite fun. I mean, all that pent-up rage can now be given a home. So send your vitriol, your anger, your vehemence his way. It’s fun AND educational.

-Jesse W


At 8/16/2006 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have to admit -- this post WAS pretty funny!

Thanks for bringing a smile and a chuckle to this Monkey Faced Liberal's day.

I really appreciate it!


Monkey Faced Liberal

At 8/16/2006 4:31 PM, Blogger DesertElephant said...

Anonymous... way to have balls there. I'd love to see what would happen when your unwashed ass spouted off like that in the midst of a room full of Marines.

Just to see the look in your eyes as they slowly glass over and the life leaves them would be fantastic.

It sure is easy to spout off about honorable men when there are none about to pound your little monkey face in. And before you pull the trite, whiny bullshit about ,"I'd never say that to your face." , know that I would call you a simpering sperm bucket to your face any day of the week. You are ranking high up there on the list of the World's Biggest Douches

And MFL... you are garbage of the lowest pedigree. Your trite ramblings are the products of a diseased and underdeveloped mind. Sadly, even as I type this, I know you won't be able to understand the bigger words even when your mother explains them to you. Do the world a favor and get a razor blade massage. Just make sure to cut the veins lenghtwise. Anything worth doing is worth doing right.

War and Victory!

At 8/22/2006 7:28 PM, Blogger DesertElephant said...

Violence is not even close to being adolescent. There is a very necessary reason for it still being part of the evolved human brain. And that would be the point at which unreasonable men deserve to die.

And, I have to say MFL, that was a rather cogent post, which I'd not come to expect from you. Seems to be lacking in vitriol. Which is, admittedly, a shock. You might be able to be domesticated after all. If you'd just learn what facts are and to stop flinging the rancid feces that tumbles from your cranial cavity over the net.

As for Babs... you talk a great game over the net, but I have more of a leg to stand on than you. And that's not saying much for you, considering I'm down to one.. And you seem to have some sort of homoerotic fixation.

The men and Women... that's right, women serve too... that serve do so because they possess things that you'll never have. Honor, integrity, moral fiber, virtue... the list goes on and on.

You are a pathetic worm crawling on your belly in shit. Yet you claim it to be roses.

I wake up and fill my belly with Eggs and Bacon... not Marine Jizz, as your addled, 4-year-old mind seems to imagine. You should really speak to a phychiatric professional about your anger management issues and the appropriate medication to deal with your "special problem". The other special problems you have can usually be knocked out by penicillin. Because, who knows what you picked up blowing those Jihadis you seem to love so much... on all fours, taking several at a time.

Do the world a favor, leave it. As soon as possible. You'll even help with that global warming thing you nut cases seem so big on. Since you talk out of your ass 100% of the time, your death would cut methane emissions into the atmosphere by at least 10%

And as you seem to be lacking in anything more complex, neurologically speaking, than a brain stem, you are hardly in a position to rank, evaluate or critique the intelligence of your betters.

So, from the very bottom of my heart, shut the fuck up you bukkake queen.

War and Victory!

At 8/28/2006 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Desert Elephant, awesomely to the point as always, but I keep worrying that you're wasting your time on the libtard trolls as they just can't get coherent thought past waking up in the morning. Drink deep of your coffee and be grateful that panty waste like Babs will rarely make it out of the trailer parks she slums around in.

Rock on my neo-con brutha!!

At 9/02/2006 1:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trailer parks are for trailer trash, and trailer trash is an invention that the South can take credit for.

Limp on, you crippled neo-con bruthafucka.

At 11/15/2006 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

DE - Wrestling with pigs rarely accomplishes anything except getting you dirty. -Gunga


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